Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let's see...

I'm just going to make a list. I like lists.

1. KJYGSKD My laptop blew up, I can't update my 365 blog, and that really pisses me off.

2. Both Yanbo and Eusden have incompatible schedules, not to mention I really hope they get to meet each other now, partially because I feel like they probably won't meet each other again, as Yanbo will be out of my life or Eusden will be out of my life. 2 year relationship versus 6 year friendship. I wonder which will win. HM I WONDER.

3. Which leads me to the whole, what the gjsdkghsdkghsd is happening with Yanbo and I? Why am I suddenly feeling so bleh about him? I mean, I'm honestly glad that he doesn't give me money because I hate the idea, but on the other end it's once again something else he completely just forgot or just doesn't remember and just doesn't care and it's the reason we broke up and he's back to the way he was again and I'm SO SICK AND TIRED OF IT. I'm not being unreasonable, he's not making a freaking effort for anything. Also, he lies a lot, even though he swears he doesn't. I don't like being lied to, and believe it or not I have a freaking uncanny sense of when someone is lying to me.

4. I'm bored at home. I want to go out. But who exactly am I supposed to hang out with? I'm not sure what to do with Ashley anymore, Daphne can't go out anyway. I don't really have that many close girl friends, never really did, and now I feel like some of them just haven't matured nad it's weird. I think Angela and I would get along fine still, but she's in Taiwan and she won't be back for two yeas.

5. School is the only thing going fine for me. Which is really stupid considering that school is usually the thing never working out for me.

6. The computer I was using just freaking froze and I lost the post I was working on. LSDGHSDKLGHSKDJHGSKLDJGHSKDLGHDLKSGHDS


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